Sunday, 17 December 2017

Alison & family 16/12/17

I first met Alison and her family during one of my school photo retake sessions, they were such a fun-loving bunch that I knew I was going to enjoy our longer session together.

We met at Cuttle Brook nature reserve on a frosty morning. The sunlight was gorgeous but we had to keep moving to stay warm!

The seasonal headwear certainly made me smile (and kept a few heads warm too!)

The dogs really enjoyed being out in the nature reserve, there were lots of new smells for them to investigate.

But no one had more fun than the boys when they found the rope-swing over the stream!

A huge thank you to Alison and family for the fun, I hope you love your photos!

Friday, 1 December 2017

Caira and family - 25/11/17

You might have noticed by now that one of my favourite things to do is take a family for a fun session at Coombe Hill. There is so much space to run around and keep the children entertained, which was particularly important on the cold, sunny day when I met up with Caira and her family!

It was a large family group, with 8 adults and 3 children (including 1 newborn) and we enjoyed a brisk walk around the pathways, trying to keep warm in the chilly wind.

The 2 bigger kids were so much fun, they obviously love each other to pieces and they were determined to have an adventure together. I especially loved the little boy's bear hat, how cute is that?!

We didn't stay long on the exposed hilltop as it was so cold but we did manage to get a couple of group shots before we headed into the woods for some shelter.

The playground in the woods is always a good spot to head to when it's too cold out in the open (and the kids need more exercise).

A huge thank you to Caira and family, I hope you had as much fun as I did and you love your photos.